Last Friday I threw a farewell party for my friends in Mexico as I will be travelling for the next few months. I invited about 30 people to a food truck park that was also open to the public.

I took this opportunity to test how my new Mindful Music would be received by an audience. As I don’t have a band yet and there was no time to rehearse, I used a playback of three songs without vocals and sang along to them live.
They are simple and energetic rock songs with heavy guitars and uplifting lyrics, which were projected on a screen behind me so people could easily understand them.

My producer Victoria, who opened the evening with some of her own beautiful songs, had only finished these three mixes the day before. As the encore I sang a soul ballad, playing an acoustic guitar.
It was great fun playing my new songs and many people told me that they really liked them.

You might expect my friends to be an appreciative audience, but even the owner of the Korean food truck came up to me afterwards to tell me how much he enjoyed my music and the lyrics.
I think this first test went pretty well!