My new single ‘Bliss Without a Cause’ has been released today on Spotify and many other music platforms. You may listen to it here.

This song is about an experience I had at a meditation course, where it rained heavily, tents were flooded and there were muddy puddles and long queues everywhere – probably something many people are familiar with at Rock festivals. Surprisingly, I wasn’t bothered by these miserable conditions at all, but I was totally happy.
Obviously, something happens in these courses that makes you independent of external conditions. However, the aim is to experience this “Bliss Without a Cause” not only in meditation courses, but every day.
As you may know, Nirvana is not only a grunge band from Seattle, but also the state without suffering that Buddhists strive for. So we arranged this song in a Nirvana-like style, with soft verses and a heavy chorus. We even quote the guitar riff from Smells like Teen Spirit!

I hope you like this new song! The music video was shot by my friends Nika Frolova and Luis Corona in a rehearsal room in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, featuring my producer Victoria Villanueva, who also played lead guitar, and Iñaki Moreno, who played bass guitar. The drummer Álvaro Reyes only posed for the video, as the drums were programmed digitally by Victoria – but a real drummer looks cooler in a video.
P.S. I had a look at Nirvana’s Wikipedia page and saw that the band was called Bliss from 1987 to 1988 – what a funny coincidence!